Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Answer, I Fear, Was Yes

Daddy looked to me to answer the age-old question:
"Did you toot?"

If you can't see the video in the RSS feed e-mail, head to my blog to view it there.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The good part of October

October was mostly a rough month for this baby.  I spent weeks with an upset tummy and a terrible diaper rash, which was stinky and a pain in the tush (please excuse the puns).  
Also, my mohawk fell down and now my hair is just crazy. 
However, some good things happened:

The Red Sox won the World Series!  I was so excited I wore my Pedroia shirt to bed.
My first Boston championship; hopefully just the beginning of a long list to come.

I started eating food!  Peas are green and carrots are orange.  Other than that, not much of a difference as far as I'm concerned.

Here's hoping November is a month of joy with only happiness in the diaper area.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Wild Animals on the Loose

Halloween wasn't so much spooky as it was fun and filled with baby animals.  For example, there was a baby shark, a tiger cub, and an owlet at Uncle Brendan's house, where I went with Mommy to help hand out candy. 

 Even baby sharks like to play in the Jumperoo.

Zoo baby cousins.  Tiger cub- 11 mo., owlet 5 mo., baby shark 7 mo.

 It's tiring being so cute.