Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Some things require a professional

In my admittedly limited experience, I have learned that some tasks are perfect for DIY status (that is Do It Yourself for those of you who don't watch HGTV), while others are best left to the experts.  It may go without saying that when I say "expert," I don't mean someone who has watched two videos on YouTube, but rather a person with professional training in a given field.  This issue has been brought into focus for me of late due to Mommy deciding to play stylist and give my hair a trim.  

I look like a dweeb.  A trip to the barber with Daddy is scheduled for Saturday.  Mommy says it just needs to be evened out. Daddy says some things can't be salvaged.

 I will need to wear a hood to maintain my street cred.  Holla.

Pre-haircut, I had a really fun Sunday when my cousins came over.  Uncle Brendan and Teddy had more fun than it looks in this photo.

Scarlett and I were both rockin out in our BC sweatshirts in honor of Andre Williams being named a Heisman finalist.

 Finally- it's Bed Head Thursday and I am psyched about it.  (Note- photo was pre-haircut.  Sigh.)

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Bed Head Thursday

In a new segment, I'm calling Bed Head Thursdays until something more innovative pops into my noggin, I will be featuring some snaps of what adorable looks like first thing in the morning (or after a nap).  All photos are courtesy of Mommy.  Tresses are courtesy of genes with a sense of humor.

"Horns At Morn"

"Everyone Move To The Front"

"Bet You Though This Was A Toupee"