Thursday, August 1, 2013

Little Big Man

Last Thursday I turned four months old! 

At my four month doctor's appointment some good things and some terrible things occurred.  
The good:
I have climbed to the 4th percentile in weight (holla!) hitting the scale at 11 lbs 2.6 oz.  

The terrible: 
I got FIVE shots.  In my legs.  There was blood.  There were tears (baby).  More tears (Mommy).  Did I mention the blood?  Mommy went into the hall and Daddy held me while Dr. Josh stuck me with needles.  I like the guy, but he needs to cool it with the sharp things.  (NOTE:  I chose not to share a photo of my legs with the band aids, as it may have been too much for some readers.)

The interesting:
My head is in the 73rd percentile.  I guess that means I have a big brain.

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