Thursday, May 29, 2014


Reading is an escape from your day-to-day life.  
You know, the life where you have to wear pants.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Welcome to T. Duggan Auto Repair, where no job is too small.  

 I am your proprietor, Tucker J. Duggan.

There are few problems that cannot be solved by a simple turning of the wheels.  If that fails, banging on the vehicle will do the trick.

I accept all major credit cards, Bitcoins, cash, Cheerios, and pairs of eye glasses (as long as I can personally remove them from your face at least 453 times in a row).

Monday, February 24, 2014

The (Baby) Human Dustbuster

Alternate Titles for This Post:
No Crumb Left Behind
Is That A Piece of Dog Food I See Before Me?
Tuck Duggan & The Glorious Haven of Dog Hair

I don't know if you've heard, and you probably have not since Mommy is too busy taking baths and eating ice cream to transcribe my posts, but I am officially a mobile man.  Yeah, I crawl.  If you've ever seen a movie where there is a guy in the desert who is just about to die of thirst and he's scrabbling on his belly moaning "water," then you should have no problem picturing what I look like when I engage in my army-style crawl around the condo.

Other things I do now:

Ride motorcycles.

 Joyfully accept dog kisses (well, this one isn't new).

 Run a construction crew with my cousin Teddy.

Swim with Pop! 
[Note: Mommy is sorry about the poor quality of this photo that makes it look like surveillance of someone in witness protection.  Cameras weren't allowed and like the law-breaking rebel that she is, she snuck a shot with her phone.  The preceding should not be construed as an admission of liability.]

Thursday, February 6, 2014

baby teeth

I have 1.5 teeth.  Last night I bit Daddy's toe.  He laughed so I did it again.  It was really funny, but then he said it hurt and put on socks.  Game over.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Fa La La La La

It was my first Christmas and I discovered the joy of playing with wrapping paper.  So fun!  Who knew?  Although both Mommy and Daddy were battling myriad illnesses, we had a super duper time celebrating with family.  I went to Grammy and Grampy's on Sunday and hung with my cousin Morgan (she drives cars!) and Uncle Jimmy (he has a funny laugh).  It is notable that I was not offered any of the Chinese food, not even the pork strips, which looked delicious.  

Christmas morning I opened presents at home and then we went to Gigi and Pop's house.  I played with my cousins and there was stuff everywhere.  Also, I wore red skinny jeans.  Boom!

 Playing with wrapping paper at Grammy and Grampy's.

Easy Rider.

Under the tree at home I found Charlie, the above-averaged size riding caterpillar. 

I also found a wrapping paper hat.
Things were crazy at Gigi and Pop's on Christmas Day.  There was merriment out the wazzou. 

Getting the group photo of us kids necessitated complex negotiations and some physics.

The excitement wore me out so I took a break.

 Finally!  Mission accomplished.  Happy holidays!