Monday, February 24, 2014

The (Baby) Human Dustbuster

Alternate Titles for This Post:
No Crumb Left Behind
Is That A Piece of Dog Food I See Before Me?
Tuck Duggan & The Glorious Haven of Dog Hair

I don't know if you've heard, and you probably have not since Mommy is too busy taking baths and eating ice cream to transcribe my posts, but I am officially a mobile man.  Yeah, I crawl.  If you've ever seen a movie where there is a guy in the desert who is just about to die of thirst and he's scrabbling on his belly moaning "water," then you should have no problem picturing what I look like when I engage in my army-style crawl around the condo.

Other things I do now:

Ride motorcycles.

 Joyfully accept dog kisses (well, this one isn't new).

 Run a construction crew with my cousin Teddy.

Swim with Pop! 
[Note: Mommy is sorry about the poor quality of this photo that makes it look like surveillance of someone in witness protection.  Cameras weren't allowed and like the law-breaking rebel that she is, she snuck a shot with her phone.  The preceding should not be construed as an admission of liability.]

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