Saturday, July 6, 2013

Mommy Discovers Instagram & I Get a New Friend

Big week.  Last Friday was a rough day for Mommy.  Not only did she turn 444 months, but Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett were traded to the Nets right after Doc Rivers took a coaching job in California.  Daddy was away on a business trip so it was up to me to cheer her up.  Luckily, I am a baby and always know just what to do.  So I sat around looking cute and it worked!  Mommy took nine thousand pictures of me and edited them with Instagram, her new favorite toy.  Soon, she was no longer crying about the Celtics, but instead marveling at the sheer adorableness of her son (me).

With Instagram- this:

becomes this:
Awse poss as Mommy says.

This week a lot of great things happened.  

My new best friend Reginald Fox arrived in the mail.  He was sent my Mommy's Aunt Gerry and I love him.

I wore jeans for the first time.
I sat in my toy box. 

Then it was the 4th of July and Mommy and Daddy had a day off in the middle of the week.  We stayed home and Aunt Caitlin and Uncle Robi came over with Scarlett.  Later on Uncle Brendan came over to drink beers with Daddy and watch a hot dog eating contest on t.v.  

Daddy said my hair looked like a firework.

Today, we went to Grammy and Grampy's for a belated July 4th party.  A whole bunch of different people held me and took my picture.  

This is my cousin Morgan holding me.  Fun fact:  she is the only one of my cousins who can walk.

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