It has been a busy couple of weeks for me, but apparently more so for Mommy as she has not had time to type up any of my posts! She promises that she will get a few out in a row to catch up.
In unsurprising late-to-the-game news, Mommy has discovered another app on her iPhone that folks have been using since the stone age. It's called Directr and she has made some pretty rad movies with it. Here are links to a few: I Am Grateful; Our Baby is Awesome; and Strolling. Guess which one made Daddy claim the room was dusty?
Last weekend I went swimming for the first time, met some geese, and dressed up like a frog.
Mommy and I met Aunt Noreen and Teddy at the wading pool down the street. I put my feet in the water and it was super fun. I know I look like a lame duck in this picture next to Teddy, but hey- I am a baby, and I don't smile on command.
Speaking of photos where I don't look psyched, here is my introduction to water fowl at Bates Farm where Mommy and Daddy got ice cream and I got bupkis.
Did you think you were looking at an actual frog? Ha! It's just me after a bath.
He DOES drive like a total boss. LOOK OUT!