Thursday, June 27, 2013

Unpaid Internship

Since Mommy decided to take a 12 week break from work, her assignments have really piled up.  I volunteered to help her out and put on my most business appropriate attire to keep up with the professional vibe of the office. 
 Babies are always welcome at The Possible Project, which is pretty rad.

I took some time to gather my thoughts before getting busy answering emails.

I also hung out with Jacey and he shared some of his famous wisdom. He's got my back.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Three Months. Boom!

Today is my three month birthday.  Hard to believe I've only known Daddy and Mommy for three months.  Seems like so much longer.  Daddy seems to be on the same page as I heard him say, "I feel like I've been throwing away bags of dirty diapers forever."  

Mommy really wanted to take a picture of me and my sisters (they are still dogs) in party hats, but we didn't have any.  So she used PeePee TeePees instead.  They are meant to protect unsuspecting folks from getting peed on when they change my diaper.  And now it's on my head.  Umm, yuck? She also wanted to get all of us in one group photo but Daddy said she was insane and so these individual festive shots are what we've got.  You may notice that I am asleep for mine.  Cheese!

 This is my bathtub.  I am the baby getting a bath.

You may be wondering what I do in my free time.  If you guessed I chill out with an owl, you'd be wrong.  Mommy just put me here.

 Just like I turned three months old today, Mommy turns 444 months on Friday.  That seems like a lot of months, doesn't it?

Tomorrow Daddy leaves for a business trip.  I hope we survive.  I'll make sure to have a lot of dirty diapers ready for him upon his return.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Contemplating My Life Goals

What do I hope to accomplish with my life?  Who do I want to be? Is my diaper wet?  These are the big questions I am pondering this weekend.  The realization I have come to is that my first priority is to grow eyebrows.  I have none.  This is not normal.

Notice the cute face with lack of eyebrows.  Deeper issues will need to be addressed at a later date.

You know it!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

No, I Am Not Dougie Hamilton

For goodness sake, I am a baby.  I am not a player for the Boston Bruins.  However, I have been asked for my autograph because folks mistake me for Dougie Hamilton.  

I can see where people may get confused.

 My sister Boston (she is actually a dog, but I'm not sure Mommy knows that) had to give me a sniff to confirm my identity.  Incidentally, I puked all over myself right after this photo shoot.


Sunday, June 16, 2013

Daddy Day

Today is Father's Day and it turns out father is just another word for daddy.  I have one of those.  He is  the best.  I* made him a present at school on Friday. (*Obviously I did not make anything, but it had my name on it and I did allow someone to put ink on my feet and stamp them on a piece of paper.)  When Mommy read the poem on the paper with my footprints, she started crying and Daddy laughed at her.  She started laughing too.  I wanted to join in, but I am a baby so I just laughed on the inside. 

 It was so much fun that I decided to spend some time kicking, which is how I express excitement. 

Mommy dressed me like a football today.  

Later we went to Gigi and Pop's house and saw my cousins Scarlett and Teddy.  It was the first Father's Day for Daddy, Uncle Brendan, and Uncle Robi.  This is not my favorite photo of me.  I look crazed.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I Attend an Institute of Learning

Today was my first day of school.  I spent the morning reviewing geography flashcards and memorizing some simple algebraic equations.  Just kidding- I am a baby.  School is likely going to be mostly naps with an occasional song thrown in.

As you can see I was delirious with excitement to get started on my education.

Mommy cried when she and Daddy dropped me off.  I guess leaving your tiny helpless baby with a room full of strangers can do that to you.  Daddy bought her a coffee roll to cheer her up.

 Here's a question:  At what age does it become weird to be wearing a sweatshirt but no pants?

In other news, my favorite hockey team plays tonight in game one of the Stanley Cup finals.  I have to try to stay calm because I get a lot of gas when I'm excited and then have to get jiggled on Daddy's leg as shown above.  It's difficult to see the television from that position.  GO BRUINS!

P.S.:  For those of you who like funny dog videos, here is my Daddy's latest favorite.  I've had to listen to it 46 times in two days.  If the video doesn't show up below, here is the link.

Monday, June 10, 2013

A Star Is Born

I am eleven weeks old tomorrow so there is a lot to catch you up on.  Since neither Mommy or Daddy believe in Facebook, I thought this would be a nice way for family and friends to hear what I'm up to and see some pictures of me.  My life so far has been pretty awesome.  The daily routine around here includes lots of cuddling, listening to music, eating, dirtying diapers, and the calming sound of barking dogs.

I was born on March 26 at 5:21 in the morning.  My arrival was four weeks earlier than what the doctor called my "due date".  Well, no one checked with me and my reservation was for Tuesday the 26th so that is when I showed up.  Daddy tells me I was very small and I guess looking now at the size of the newborn diaper I was wearing does seem to point that way.

I have my own room, but I don't sleep in it yet.  Mostly I hang out there on my activity mat while Annie keeps watch.  Oh, and this is where my diaper gets changed.  That happens about 465 times a day.

Even though I started out small, I am getting bigger.  At my two-month check-up I weighed in at 8 lbs. 4.6 oz.  That's a long way from 4 lbs. 15 oz., but it still puts me in the first percentile.  That is kind of embarrassing.

 You know what I didn't like at first?  Baths.  They made me cold and I do not like being cold! These days I don't mind them as much.  I like how they make my hair fluffy.

I don't know if you've heard, but it is hard work being a baby.  I often find I need to recharge my batteries.  My preferred sleep situation is in someone's arms, but I'll snooze on my Boppy or in my swing if need be.

I took my first walk to the center of town with my Mommy and Daddy on Sunday and hung out in the little park there.  I asked for a donut when Mommy got one, but she gave me milk instead.  I am getting pretty tired of milk.

Thanks for visiting my blog!