Sunday, June 16, 2013

Daddy Day

Today is Father's Day and it turns out father is just another word for daddy.  I have one of those.  He is  the best.  I* made him a present at school on Friday. (*Obviously I did not make anything, but it had my name on it and I did allow someone to put ink on my feet and stamp them on a piece of paper.)  When Mommy read the poem on the paper with my footprints, she started crying and Daddy laughed at her.  She started laughing too.  I wanted to join in, but I am a baby so I just laughed on the inside. 

 It was so much fun that I decided to spend some time kicking, which is how I express excitement. 

Mommy dressed me like a football today.  

Later we went to Gigi and Pop's house and saw my cousins Scarlett and Teddy.  It was the first Father's Day for Daddy, Uncle Brendan, and Uncle Robi.  This is not my favorite photo of me.  I look crazed.

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